Lavie Mom | How Your Environment Affects Your Breastfeeding

How Your Environment Affects Your Breastfeeding

A supportive environment where mom and baby feel at ease can support breastfeeding and make the experience a more positive one. We consider how the environment affects your breastfeeding and the steps you can take to ensure the optimal environment for you and your baby when it comes to breastfeeding.

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What's a Letdown?

What's a Letdown?

When you start breastfeeding, there's a whole new set of terminology to learn. Colostrum, engorgement, hindmilk and foremilk, and galactagogue are ...

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How to Travel While Breastfeeding

How to Travel While Breastfeeding

The days of easy traveling seem like a lifetime ago when you’re a new parent. But there’s nothing like middle-of-the-night feedings and washing (an...

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